
Time for change: raising awareness of talipes

You may have heard that on the 17th December 2018, we will be hosting our very own white collar boxing event.

It’s not your standard KO game. It’s time to swap business for boxing gloves to raise money and awareness for a cause close to my heart. My daughter Jaida, unfortunately, was diagnosed with talipes (clubfoot) which makes it difficult to walk and can be painful. We want to raise awareness of the condition, and we hope you will help us. 1 in 1,000 babies in the UK alone are born with talipes, so it’s critical that we all do our bit to make a difference.

What is talipes?

If you are unfamiliar with talipes, it’s a birth defect that affects the feet and causes one or both to point inwards with the sole facing backwards. For babies with talipes, around half of them will have both feet affected. Although some babies are diagnosed with talipes during pregnancy, it’s more commonly diagnosed after birth. Although there is treatment available, it isn’t always effective, and those who suffer from the defect can relapse. Talipes can cause much distress for children and adults alike and can impact everyday activities from walking to sports.

Treatment for talipes typically involves manipulating the foot into a better position putting it into a cast, otherwise known as the Ponseti method. It is a method that needs repeating every week for about 5 to 8 weeks to reset the position and make it more focal. After the last cast comes off, most minors then have an operation to loosen the Achilles tendon, the tendon at the back of their ankle. After the operation, boots and splints are worn to prevent the talipes returning. We were fortunate that Jaida only needed one boot; we often see children with two.

The cost

Naturally, talipes is a condition that is close to our family’s hearts, and so we are hoping to raise as much as possible from our charity Box Off. One factor no one warns you about is just how expensive the physio and the shoes are. The boots Jaida wore to keep her foot in the right position (almost like a snowboard boot) are essential for weight bearing and to start building the muscle.

They also cost £250 a time. For a three-year-old who is continuously growing, these costs add up. Because my partner and I both work, we weren’t eligible to claim these boots on the NHS. We want to raise money to help other families in the same position.

The event

The Box Off event invites property professionals to join us in doing our bit for the cause. All money raised will go to the Kings College Hospital Paediatric Physiotherapy department to help children like my daughter Jaida who suffer from talipes and other disabilities.

At Agent Hub, we’re all about making positive changes, so why not help and take part in the event; it’ll be a festive and fun addition to your calendar. Tickets are available through Eventbrite, and standard tickets cost £20.

However, if you want to make it a night to remember, why not purchase the VIP package? The £499 package will bag you and nine other people VIP ringside seating, champagne for the table, as well as an assortment of mouth-watering canapes and food platters throughout the event.

Clear your calendar to take part in this unmissable event. It’s for a brilliant cause and you’ll even have the opportunity to spend the night networking. Follow our blog to stay up to date with the latest Box Off news.